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Premier medical-led skin care




We comply with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2016 and will only use your data with your permission. We will protect your data and personal information and it will not be shared with third parties. 

By using our website, you agree to these terms. 


Only relevant data is collected, for example, when you fill in our contact form. This includes your name and email address. 


We agree to make sure data is:

  • Processed according to your rights and lawfully processed

  • Held securely

  • Accurate, relevant, and comprehensive

  • Only kept for the time necessary

  • Not transferred outside the EEA


Data will not be shared, traded, or loaned unless explicit permission is sought from yourselves.
By providing us with information about yourself, you must be accurate and aware it may be used by us in accordance with this privacy policy. 




Use of our website implies that you are happy with the following conditions, on any device used:

  • The website is used at your own risk, we will not be responsible for issues that arise from usage or downloading of material

  • Information on the website is for informative use only and does not form part of any contract, nor is it liable for any losses or damages

  • Information may be changed when necessary

  • Any links to third party websites are clicked upon at your own risk


If you have any questions, please email







Moreton Aesthetics values your time and appreciates your commitment to your appointments. To ensure fairness to all clients and efficient clinic operations, we have implemented the following late cancellation and no-show policy.


Late Cancellation


A late cancellation is defined as a cancellation made less than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time.

  • Your card details are required to confirm your appointment. No payment is taken at point of confirmation, your card details are simply linked to the appointment.

  • Where appointments are cancelled within 48 of the appointment time, 25% of the appointment will be charged.

  • We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we will always endeavour to accommodate changes to appointments where possible. However, late cancellations can disrupt our scheduling and impact other clients and result in lost revenue for the clinic.




A no-show is defined as a missed appointment without providing prior notice.

  • A 30% fee of the appointment cost will be charged for no-shows.

  • Persistent no-shows may result in the clinic's refusal to book future appointments.


Exceptions In exceptional circumstances, such as illness or emergencies, the clinic may waive the late cancellation or no-show fee at its discretion. Supporting documentation may be required.




The late cancellation or no-show fee is deducted from the linked payment card at point of late cancellation or no-show, through our Glowday booking system.




At point of confirming a booking a confirmation email with the appointment details is sent. 72 hours prior to the appointment, a reminder email is sent. 24 hours prior to the appointment a text message reminder is sent. We encourage patients to reschedule or cancel appointments with sufficient notice to avoid these fees.


Policy Review


This policy is subject to review and may be amended from time to time.






Moreton Aesthetics is committed to providing exceptional care and service to all our patients. We believe that effective complaint handling is essential to maintaining high standards and building trust. This policy outlines the procedures for handling complaints and ensures that all complaints are dealt with fairly, efficiently, and confidentially.




This policy applies to all complaints received by Moreton Aesthetics regarding the services provided.



  • To provide a clear and accessible process for clients to raise concerns.

  • To investigate complaints promptly and thoroughly.

  • To resolve complaints to the satisfaction of the client wherever possible.

  • To learn from complaints and improve our services.


Complaint Definition


A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the clinic’s services, including but not limited to:

  • Treatment outcomes

  • Staff conduct

  • Clinic facilities

  • Administrative processes


Complaint Handling Procedure


  1. Initial Complaint:

    • All complaints should be directed, in writing, to Dr Nabila Parekh at

    • The complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt.

    • The complainant will be informed of the complaints procedure and their right to escalate the complaint if necessary.

  2. Investigation:

    • A thorough investigation will be conducted into the complaint.

    • Relevant staff members will be involved in the investigation as required.

    • All information appropriate to the complaint will be gathered during the investigation and treated confidentially.

    • The investigation should be completed within [number] working days.

    • The clinic insurance provider will be notified of the complaint.

  3. Response:

    • The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation in writing.

    • The response will outline the findings, any actions taken, and the steps to prevent recurrence.

    • The response should be provided within 5 working days of completing the investigation.

  4. Resolution:

    • Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the complainant.

    • If the complaint cannot be resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, they will be informed of their right to escalate the complaint to the relevant regulatory body.

5.    Escalation

  • If a complaint cannot be resolved internally, the complainant has the right to escalate the matter to:

  • The General Dental Council

  • The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if data protection is involved


Learning and Improvement


All complaints will be reviewed to identify areas for improvement. Changes to policies or procedures will be implemented as necessary.




All information related to complaints will be treated confidentially.


Monitoring and Review


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness.


Staff Training


All staff members will receive training on the complaints handling procedure.




All complaints and responses will be documented and retained in accordance with data protection regulations.


By following this complaints policy, Moreton Aesthetics aims to provide a fair and transparent process for handling complaints and to continuously improve the quality of our services.



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